Source code for hplattice.Monty

from random import random
from math import floor, exp
from numpy import array, int32

BOLTZ_CONST = 0.001987  # (kcal/K.mol) Boltzmann's constant

[docs]class Monty(object): """ A collection of functions to perform Monte Carlo move-set operations on an HP chain. :param config: configuration parameters for chain and simulation :type config: :class:`hplattice.Config.Config` :param float temp: temperature (K) :param chain: do monte carlo on this chain :type chain: :class:`hplattice.Chain.Chain` """ def __init__(self, config, temp, chain): # indices of hydrophic beads H_inds = [idx for idx, bead in enumerate(chain.hpstring) if bead == 'H'] self.H_inds = array(H_inds, int32) # The names of the available Monte Carlo movesets self.movesets = ['MC1','MC2','MC3','MC4'] # The temperature (in K) self.temp = temp # The replica number with this temperature self.tempfromrep = config.REPLICATEMPS.index(temp) # The energetic strength of a contact self.epsilon = config.epsilon # (both of these are copies from Config() ) self.restraint = DistRestraint(config.RESTRAINED_STATE, config.KSPRING) self.lastenergy = +
[docs] def kT(self): """ :return: :math:`k_b * T` :rtype: float """ return BOLTZ_CONST * self.temp
[docs] def move1(self, chain, vecindex=None, direction=None): """ Apply moveset MC1 (Dill and Chan, 1994, 1996) to the chain: 1. three-bead flips 2. rigid rotations :param chain: apply move to this chain :type chain: :class:`hplattice.Chain.Chain` :param int vecindex: optional, vector to move. will be chosen randomly if no value is specified. :param int direction: optional, ``1`` for clockwise, ``-1`` for counterclockwise. will be chosen randomly if no value is specified. """ if vecindex is None: r = random() vecindex = int(floor((chain.n - 1.0001)*r)) else: pass if direction is None: s = random() if s < 0.5: direction = 1 else: direction = -1 else: pass if (vecindex == 0) or (vecindex == len(chain.nextvec)-1): # if the vec index is on the end, do an end flip chain.do_rigid_rot(vecindex, direction) else: # do a three-bead flip, i.e. switch two adjacent {n,e,w,s} directions chain.do_three_bead_flip(vecindex)
[docs] def move2(self, chain, vecindex=None, direction=None, moveseed=None): """ Apply moveset MC2 (Dill and Chan, 1994, 1996) to the chain: 1. three-bead flips 2. crankshaft moves 3. rigid rotations :param chain: apply move to this chain :type chain: :class:`hplattice.Chain.Chain` :param int vecindex: optional, vector to move. will be chosen randomly if no value is specified. :param int direction: optional, ``1`` for clockwise, ``-1`` for counterclockwise. will be chosen randomly if no value is specified. :param float moveseed: optional, *moveseed* :math:`<1/3` for three-bead flip; :math:`1/3<=` *moveseed* :math:`<2/3` for crankshaft; :math:`2/3<=` *moveseed* for rigid rotation. """ if vecindex is None: r = random() vecindex = int(floor((chain.n - 1.0001)*r)) else: pass if direction is None: s = random() if s < 0.5: direction = 1 else: direction = -1 else: pass length_of_nextvec = chain.get_vec_length() if moveseed is None: t = random() else: t = moveseed # 1/3 of the time do a three-bead flip if (t < 0.33333) and (vecindex < length_of_nextvec-1): flip_successful = chain.do_three_bead_flip(vecindex) if flip_successful: pass else: chain.do_rigid_rot(vecindex, direction) # 1/3 of the time do a crankshaft elif (t < 0.66666) and (vecindex < length_of_nextvec-2): crank_successful = chain.do_crankshaft(vecindex) if crank_successful: pass else: chain.do_rigid_rot(vecindex, direction) # 1/3 of the time do a rigid rotation else: chain.do_rigid_rot(vecindex, direction)
[docs] def move3(self, chain, vecindex=None, direction=None): """ Apply rigid rotations to the chain: 1. rigid rotations :param chain: apply move to this chain :type chain: :class:`hplattice.Chain.Chain` :param int vecindex: optional, vector to move. will be chosen randomly if no value is specified. :param int direction: optional, ``1`` for clockwise, ``-1`` for counterclockwise. will be chosen randomly if no value is specified. """ if vecindex is None: r = random() vecindex = int(floor((chain.n - 1.0001)*r)) else: pass if direction is None: s = random() if s < 0.5: direction = 1 else: direction = -1 else: pass chain.do_rigid_rot(vecindex, direction)
[docs] def metropolis(self, replica): """ Judge the next conformation of the chain according to Metropolis criterion: :math:`e^{-\Delta E/kT}`. :param replica: The replica containing the chain that should be judged. :type replica: :class:`hplattice.Replica.Replica` :return: ``True`` if next conformation should be accepted. :rtype: bool """ randnum = random() # accept with Metroplis criterion thisenergy = + \ boltzfactor = exp( (thisenergy - self.lastenergy) / self.kT() ) if randnum < boltzfactor: # update the chain replica.chain.update_chain() # update the lastenergy self.lastenergy = thisenergy return True else: return False
def energy(self, chain): E, state = return E
[docs]class DistRestraint: """ A harmonic constraint based on squared distance :math:`D = d^2`, where :math:`D = \sum_{i,j} d^2_{ij}` over all contacts. :param list contacts: list of tuples, example ``[(0, 4), (1, 6)]`` :param float kspring: spring constant for restraint """ def __init__(self, contacts, kspring): self.contacts = contacts self.kspring = kspring # (J/[lattice space]^2)
[docs] def energy(self, chain): """ Compute the restraint energy of a given chain. :param chain: Compute the restraint energy of this chain. :type chain: :class:`hplattice.Chain.Chain` :return: energy of the distance restraint :rtype: float """ return self.kspring * self.D(chain)
[docs] def D(self, chain): """ Compute the sum of squared-distances of a given chain. :param chain: Compute the sum of squared-distances of this chain. :type chain: :class:`hplattice.Chain.Chain` :return: the sum of squared-distances over the selected contacts. :rtype: float """ D = 0.0 coords = chain.get_coord_array() for i in range(0, len(self.contacts)): # print 'contact', i, self.contacts[i], chain.coords c = self.contacts[i][0] d = self.contacts[i][1] D = D + (coords[c][0]-coords[d][0])**2 D = D + (coords[c][1]-coords[d][1])**2 return D