Source code for hplattice.Enumerator

[docs]class Enumerator(object): """ *Enumerator* objects are used to enumerate all conformations of an HP chain. The HP chain is defined in a configuration file, specified by the *config* parameter. :param lattice_factory: factory object that knows how to create chains and trajectories :type lattice_factory: :class:`hplattice.LatticeFactory` :param str config: path to configuration file """ def __init__(self, lattice_factory, config): self.lattice_factory = lattice_factory self.config = config self.chain = lattice_factory.make_chain(self.config.HPSTRING, self.config.INITIALVEC)
[docs] def enumerate_states(self, save_trajectory=False, trajectory_filename=''): """ Enumerate all conformations of an HP chain. Prints density of contact states to stdout. :param bool save_trajectory: Generate an xyz coordinate trajectory when ``True``. :param str trajectory_filename: optional, save trajectory to this path """ nconfs = 0 # dictionary of {repr{contact state}: number of conformations} contact_states = {} # dictionary of {number of contacts: number of conformations} contacts = {} traj = self.lattice_factory.make_trajectory(save_trajectory, trajectory_filename) ################# # # This is a useful subroutine for enumerating all conformations # of an HP chain # # NOTE: in order for this to work correctly, the initial starting # vector must be [0,0,0,....,0] # done = False while not done: # print self.chain if len(self.chain.vec) == (self.chain.n - 1): if self.chain.is_viable(): if self.chain.nonsym(): # tally the number of contacts # state = self.chain.contactstate() E, state = ncontacts = len(state) if contacts.has_key(ncontacts) == False: contacts[ncontacts] = 1 else: contacts[ncontacts] = contacts[ncontacts] + 1 # tally the contact state this_state_repr = repr(state) if contact_states.has_key(this_state_repr) == False: contact_states[this_state_repr] = 1 else: contact_states[this_state_repr] = \ contact_states[this_state_repr] + 1 # tally the number of conformations nconfs = nconfs + 1 # save configuration traj.snapshot(self.chain) done = self.chain.shift() else: done = self.chain.shift() else: if self.chain.is_viable(): self.chain.grow() else: done = self.chain.shift() if self.chain.is_first_vec_one(): # skip the other symmetries break # # ################# # print out the density of contact states print print 'DENSITY of CONTACT STATES:' print '%-40s %s' % ('contact state','number of conformations') for state, num_confs in contact_states.items(): print '%-40s %d' % (state, num_confs) # print out the density of states (energies) print print 'DENSITY of STATES (in energies/contacts):' print '%-20s %-20s %s' % \ ('number of contacts', 'energy (kT)', 'number of conformations') for num_contacts, num_confs in contacts.items(): print '%-20d %-20d %d' % \ (num_contacts, self.config.eps * num_contacts, num_confs) print print 'at T = %4.1f K' % self.config.T traj.finalize()