Source code for hplattice.Config

from string import join, splitfields, joinfields

[docs]class Config(object): """ A data structure to hold all the configuration data for an HP model calculation. :param str filename: optional, path to configuration file """ def __init__(self, filename=None): # DEFAULT VALUES # 11mer that zips, but with an implied contact self.HPSTRING = 'PHPPHPHPPHH' # the initial starting conformation self.INITIALVEC = [1,0,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,3] # Important constants, energy parms self.randseed = 345 # random seed for random.Random() self.k = 0.001987 # (kcal/K.mol) Boltzmann's constant self.T = 300.0 # reference temperataure units Kelvin (K) self.eps = -5.0 # energetic strength of each contact (in units kT) # energetic strength of each contact -- in units Joules (J/mol) # kT = ~8.314 J/mol self.epsilon = self.eps * self.k * self.T # the contact state to be harmonically restrained self.RESTRAINED_STATE = [] # (in squared-distance d^2 = D) # D spring constant (in kcal/mol per D) self.KSPRING = 0.0 * self.k * self.T # Monte Carlo and Replica Exchange parameters self.NREPLICAS = 8 # NOTE: len(REPLICATEMPS) must equal NREPLICAS self.REPLICATEMPS = \ [275.0, 300.0, 325.0, 350.0, 400.0, 450.0, 500.0, 600.0] # The number of Monte Carlo steps to perform self.MCSTEPS = 500000 # The frequency with which to attempt replica swaps self.SWAPEVERY = 500000 # The method by which to select pairs of replicas for swaps # options: 'random pair', and 'neighbors' self.SWAPMETHOD = 'random pair' # The type of Monte Carlo moveset # options: 'MS1', 'MS2', 'MS3', and 'MS4' self.MOVESET = 'MS2' # Frequency (in MC steps) to print status info to screen self.PRINTEVERY = 1000 # Frequency (in MC steps) to write trajectory data to file self.TRJEVERY = 1000 # Frequency (in MC steps) to write energy data to file self.ENEEVERY = 1000 # 1 to stop the simulation as soon as the native is found, 0 if not. self.STOPATNATIVE = True # Trajectory data directory pathnames self.EXPDIR = './' self.SETUPDIR = join(self.EXPDIR, 'setup') self.ANALDIR = join(self.EXPDIR, 'anal') self.DATADIR = join(self.EXPDIR, 'data') # Directory pathname where files of type 'HPPHPHPHPPHP.clist' are # located # each belonging to a foldable sequence, and containing the native # contact list self.NATIVEDIR = '../HP-sequences/sequences/clist/hp13' if filename != None: self.read_configfile( filename ) self.filename = filename else: self.filename = 'DEFAULT'
[docs] def read_configfile(self, filename): """ Read in configuration parameters from file. The file should have formatted rows consisting of two fields, separated by white-space (or any non-printing characters, like tabs):: HPSTRING PHPPHPPPHP INITIALVEC [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] .... :param str filename: path to configuration file """ print '\n#--------------Reading non-default file...--------------#' fin = open(filename) lines = fin.readlines() i = 0 for i in range(0, len(lines)): fields = splitfields(lines[i]) if len(fields) > 0: # Parse the variable assignments from the dummy Config file if fields[0] == 'HPSTRING': self.HPSTRING = fields[1] if fields[0] == 'INITIALVEC': self.INITIALVEC = eval(joinfields(fields[1:])) if fields[0] == 'EPS': self.eps = eval(fields[1]) if fields[0] == 'RESTRAINED_STATE': self.RESTRAINED_STATE = eval(joinfields(fields[1:])) if fields[0] == 'KSPRING': self.KSPRING = eval(fields[1]) if fields[0] == 'NREPLICAS': self.NREPLICAS = eval(fields[1]) if fields[0] == 'REPLICATEMPS': self.REPLICATEMPS = eval(joinfields(fields[1:])) if fields[0] == 'MCSTEPS': self.MCSTEPS = eval(fields[1]) if fields[0] == 'SWAPEVERY': self.SWAPEVERY = eval(fields[1]) if fields[0] == 'SWAPMETHOD': self.SWAPMETHOD = joinfields(fields[1:]) if fields[0] == 'MOVESET': self.MOVESET = joinfields(fields[1:]) if fields[0] == 'EXPDIR': self.EXPDIR = joinfields(fields[1:]) if fields[0] == 'PRINTEVERY': self.PRINTEVERY = eval(fields[1]) if fields[0] == 'TRJEVERY': self.TRJEVERY = eval(fields[1]) if fields[0] == 'ENEEVERY': self.ENEEVERY = eval(fields[1]) if fields[0] == 'NATIVEDIR': self.NATIVEDIR = fields[1] if fields[0] == 'STOPATNATIVE': self.STOPATNATIVE = eval(fields[1]) # end of line-reading loop self.SETUPDIR = self.EXPDIR + '/setup' self.ANALDIR = self.EXPDIR + '/anal' self.DATADIR = self.EXPDIR + '/data' self.epsilon = self.eps * self.k * self.T
[docs] def print_config(self): """ Output the values of the configuration variables. """ print 'Configuration parameters from %s:' % self.filename print '%-30s %s' % ('HPSTRING', repr(self.HPSTRING)) print '%-30s %s' % ('INITIALVEC', repr(self.INITIALVEC)) print '%-30s %s' % ('EPS', repr(self.eps)) print '%-30s %s' % ('RESTRAINED_STATE', repr(self.RESTRAINED_STATE)) print '%-30s %s' % ('KSPRING', repr(self.KSPRING)) print '%-30s %s' % ('NREPLICAS', repr(self.NREPLICAS)) print '%-30s %s' % ('REPLICATEMPS', repr(self.REPLICATEMPS)) print '%-30s %s' % ('MCSTEPS', repr(self.MCSTEPS)) print '%-30s %s' % ('SWAPEVERY', repr(self.SWAPEVERY)) print '%-30s %s' % ('SWAPMETHOD', repr(self.SWAPMETHOD)) print '%-30s %s' % ('MOVESET', repr(self.MOVESET)) print '%-30s %s' % ('EXPDIR', repr(self.EXPDIR)) print '%-30s %s' % ('PRINTEVERY', repr(self.PRINTEVERY)) print '%-30s %s' % ('TRJEVERY', repr(self.TRJEVERY)) print '%-30s %s' % ('ENEEVERY', repr(self.ENEEVERY)) print '%-30s %s' % ('NATIVEDIR', repr(self.NATIVEDIR)) print '%-30s %s' % ('STOPATNATIVE', repr(self.STOPATNATIVE))